What people mostly do to waste time!!!

Generally, people who are over conscious about time suffer most for lack of time. They count their life in term of hours, minutes but in doing that they forget to think that where their life is going are they actually doing something productive or they just  count time.

Some of the common characteristics of these are:

  • Regret: An inescapable disease, everyone has for some work but one has to move on. It is good to do regrets in life for which we could not do but it is worse to brood over the same issue thousands of time to destroy even what is left with us. Yes, one should live in present.
  • Useless talking- This includes talking with the friend, family members or anyone other on most irrelevant issues.I am not saying to stop jokes and fun from your life but if you get the chance then help your mind to enhance its domain of wisdom by talking over useful topics. Useless talk brings uselessness only.
  • Mood off: Yes this happens, so meet with a new entity,i.e. friends, psychiatrist, listen to songs or do sth to avoid that or take right decision by going to the depth of the problem.  
  • Procrastination: People procrastinate all the time about the world beyond their reality. Then hate facing reality and enjoy living in the daydream. Guys live in the present that is the only solution, broaden your thinking.  
  • Greediness for the shortcut to study: The more you search for shortcut the more you finds hurdles. It is rightly quoted that there is no shortcut to study. Who search for motivation to motivate himself to study and when he is addicted to this he finds world being difficult. 
  • Getting motivation is good but enough motivation will destroy you. The fact that what you are and where u should be is due to enough motivation. The ratio of Study & motivation should be 80:20. 

Some solution  which may  help you:

  • One minute principle: Think for one minute after u finished your work that how could you make that past work more productive. Remember, I am not saying to look -ve side of yours, that why u could not make work efficient rather have patience & use new ways out.
  • Little me and Big me: "Felling are temporary but the end results are permanent". Mind divert but you know better where to take yourself. Always focus on your goal.
  • Aggressive: Be aggressive while working and keep that aggressiveness synchronized within mind this is best to produce best out of you.
Thank you

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