Use of split function

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package WordSplit;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * @author SHASHI
public class WordsSplit {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String sentences=  "Generates HTML. Building HTML from a helper class is\n" +
"probably not really worth it for real projects (JSP is\n" +
"better), but we haven’t covered logic in servlets yet. But\n" +
"the general principle still holds: if you are doing the same\n" +
"thing in several servlets, move the code into shared class";
        String[] words = sentences.split("[\\n .(),]");      // as many punctuation we put we receive as many seperation point on the sentences.
        System.out.println(" In string form"+Arrays.toString(words)  );
        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
            System.out.println(" "+words[i]);


 In string form[Generates, HTML, , Building, HTML, from, a, helper, class, is, probably, not, really, worth, it, for, real, projects, , JSP, is, better, , , but, we, haven’t, covered, logic, in, servlets, yet, , But, the, general, principle, still, holds:, if, you, are, doing, the, same, thing, in, several, servlets, , move, the, code, into, shared, class]





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Use of Static keyword

package dice;
import java.util.Random;

public class Dice {
static int no_of_sides = 6;
int face_value = 0;
int roll() {
Random r = new Random();
this.face_value = r.nextInt(no_of_sides) + 1;
return this.face_value;
static class FirstDice {
static String color = "red";
static class SecondDice {
static String color = "black";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dice d = new Dice();
System.out.println("The first die has color " + FirstDice.color + " and has face value after rolling as " + d.roll());
System.out.println("The second die has color " + SecondDice.color + " and has face value after rolling as " + d.roll());

/**    comments
Here, we have used the static keyword to call the variable(colour ) directly in main method.
We made the inner class(firstDice) static and then the variable colour static to display the colour of  first dice in main method.
Also, in the main method which is static, any variable which needs to be accessed should be static and for the non-static, the variable, function or method, which needs to be  accessed should be accessed by creating an instance of the class, which we have done for calling the function roll in the main method.
