Steps to enter a node in hybris

In sap hybris, if we wish to insert node we need to add the following attributes in the Impex file.

The Impex file is a file to insert data in the database

# create a navigation node
# create update link
# create linkComponent

Fire all these Impex in the console.

then go to back-office and search synchronized.
Then synchronized it. While synchronizing the content from staged will go to online.

After that, it will reflect on the website.

*********************************** Example *************************** ***********

Impex for Pack node:-
$contentCatalogName=B2C Telco Content Catalog
$productCatalogName=B2C Telco Product Catalog
$medias=medias(code, $contentCV);
$product=product(code, $productCV)
$category=category(code, $productCV)
$mediaContainer=media(qualifier, $contentCV);
INSERT_UPDATE PageTemplate;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;frontendTemplateName;restrictedPageTypes(code);active[default=true]

INSERT_UPDATE CMSNavigationNode;uid[unique=true];$contentCV[unique=true];name;parent(uid, $contentCV);links(&linkRef);&nodeRef

# Create CMS Link Components For My Account Pages
INSERT_UPDATE CMSLinkComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;url;&linkRef;target(code)[default='sameWindow']
;;PackLink;Pack Link;/my-account/pack;PackLink
# Create CMS Navigation Entry For Navigation Child Nodes
INSERT_UPDATE CMSNavigationEntry;uid[unique=true];$contentCV[unique=true];name;navigationNode(&nodeRef);item(&linkRef)
;PackNavNodeEntry;;Pack Nav Node Entry;PackNavNode;PackLink

UPDATE CMSLinkComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];linkName[lang=$lang]

INSERT_UPDATE ContentPage;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];masterTemplate(uid,$contentCV);label;defaultPage[default='true'];approvalStatus(code)[default='approved'];homepage[default='false']

Steps to setup hybris

There are some basic steps which one must follow while configuring hybris in your system.

# first, go to a  folder where you wish to create your workspace.

# open terminal at that location

# do git clone <link where your project is>

# Now, the project will be called at that location.

#Do checkout to a place where you wish the project to.

#In the platform directory, perform following Linux commands.

# setting up hybris:-  . ./

#. ./       :- to set up the environment.

# ant clean all:- it makes a new folder like bin, config, data, log, roles, heap and classes like .class and .java class.

#now to define the server IP address we need to do the host entry.As we make our system as a server so how others will access it??
 so we will make our IP entered in host entry by which others can access my server.

#open vi editor and enter your ip address.

#finally initialize the hybris by- ant initialize

How to copy file from one system to another in linux

Following are commands to copy files from one system to another:-


first, log in to person systems from which you have to copy the files.

 ssh elitecore@10.12.115

here elitecore is the username of that person system and 10.12.115  is the IP address of that person system.
to get the IP address of the system type in the terminal:-


it will show your io address in your system.

after that type password of that system.

[elitecore@shashi-jaiswal ~]$ ssh elitecore@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ZeRadrZ3eR4dOZ8BRz4Mso0By+qriP9ZEqtKPnadSRU.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:c4:72:fb:85:a4:b2:df:0b:12:16:a2:34:4f:9d:75:8e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
elitecore@'s password:
Last login: Fri Aug 16 18:04:47 2019 from
[elitecore@dushyant-nasit ~]$ scp /opt/software/sts-java-11
usage: scp [-12346BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
           [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]
           [[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file2


Now to copy files from that person system to your system.

scp <file-name> elitecore@

here <file name> is the name of file you wish to copy.

to get the file name you can do ls command to search in that directory.

if the file, not a zip file then type

scp -r <file-name> elitecore@

scp CXCOMM190500P_1-70004140.ZIP elitecore@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ZeRadrZ3eR4dOZ8BRz4Mso0By+qriP9ZEqtKPnadSRU.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:c4:72:fb:85:a4:b2:df:0b:12:16:a2:34:4f:9d:75:8e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
elitecore@'s password:
CXCOMM190500P_1-70004140.ZIP                  100% 1454MB  90.9MB/s   00:16

What's an ideal life?

We always have a dream of becoming something then after becoming that we again dream something the process continues until we die. So what is an ideal life? How can one say where he is he is ideally satisfied.

The answer comes from self .... if your present situation does not satisfy your self-esteemed then you need a change but make sure you change for betterment and when you desperately need a change then the betterment or not does not matter.

Your self-esteemed is only carried along with you all the way to life. So surround yourself among the company of good people from your point of view and enjoy.

You should never regret in life for what you have not got rather you should all thing which you have not got is all because you lack something in you. You must accept all the situation happened with you as everyone is born equal. Some learn some facts in life much earlier

Why some are considered as great people and why some as duffer it is because they did not welcome the change in life. They never tried to make their life better. If they tried to make better then also they do not have the vision and courage in their path and if they have the courage then they do not have the opportunity.