About HTTP/2
HTTP/2 is an advance version of HTTP/1.x .
It has lots of advantages over its previous versions..
It supports multiplexing, binary message framing,server push, header compression and decompression, prioritization, re-prioritization of request, flow control, congestion control and many more...
Initially, between client and server, a connection is established by sending a header frame which contains "headers", "h2"or "h2c".
Where h2 refers to connection security(mainly of TLS/SSL) i.e, a negotiation between TLS-ALPN extension.
In this negotiation, a list of protocol is sent from client to server .Now, server select the protocol and send the selected protocol certificate, server key and certification request.
From the client side it accept these things and send client key, confirmation of certificate verification. After that the handshake is complete and both endpoint negotiate to exchange data on verified protocol. In "h2c" it checks that the client request is cleartext or not. After header frame, the settings franme, containing 64 bit octet is sent from client . Finally, a connection preface frame is sent from one endpoint and client start sending headers frames before waiting from other endpoint the connection preface to come . This way connection is established in HTTP/2.
From the client side it accept these things and send client key, confirmation of certificate verification. After that the handshake is complete and both endpoint negotiate to exchange data on verified protocol. In "h2c" it checks that the client request is cleartext or not. After header frame, the settings franme, containing 64 bit octet is sent from client . Finally, a connection preface frame is sent from one endpoint and client start sending headers frames before waiting from other endpoint the connection preface to come . This way connection is established in HTTP/2.